SpaceX March manifest : A record-breaking month of launches


SpaceX, the prominent aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, continued its impressive streak of launches in March 2024. SpaceX successfully conducted a number of launches during the month of March 2024. SpaceX set a new precedent for launch frequency, a testament to its robust and reliable launch operations. The company had already established a record in 2023 and was on track to surpass it in 2024. These launches included the Falcon 9, Dragon, Starship, Crewed Spaceflight, Rideshare, Starshield and Starlink missions, showcasing the company's diverse range of capabilities and ambitions. These launches not only demonstrated SpaceX's commitment to advancing space exploration and technology, but also highlighted the company's success in fulfilling its mission of revolutionizing space transportation.


Crew-8 Launch: image credit SpaceX


SpaceX's Falcon 9 were utilized for various missions, showcasing their versatility and reliability. SpaceX started the month of March by launching crew 8 astronauts to International Space Station. AT 10:53 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, March 3, Falcon 9 launched the spacecraft and Crew-8 to orbit from Launch Complex 39A also called as LC-39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After 27 hours, On Tuesday, March 5 at 2:28 a.m. Eastern time, SpaceX’s Dragon autonomously docked with the International Space Station. This also marked the fifth launch and docking of the Dragon spacecraft supporting this mission. During their time on the orbiting laboratory, the crew will conduct over 200 scientific experiments and technology demonstrations, including new research to prepare human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit and benefit humanity on Earth. SpaceX's Human Spaceflight missions have been a significant milestone for the company. These missions have not only demonstrated SpaceX's capability to transport humans to space, but they have also paved the way for future crewed missions to the Moon under NASA's Artemis program.

On Monday, March 3 at 2:05 p.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched Transporter-10, SpaceX’s 10th dedicated smallsat rideshare program mission, from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. This was the fifth flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission which previously launched Crew-7, CRS-29, PACE, and one Starlink mission. On board this flight were 53 spacecraft, including CubeSats, MicroSats, and a hosted payload. To date, SpaceX has launched nearly 1,000 smallsats for more than 130 customers across their entire Rideshare program.

Transporter-10 mission: image credit SpaceX


With the Cargo Dragon spacecraft, SpaceX successfully launched and completed CRS-30 resupply mission which is a pivotal SpaceX resupply operation to the ISS, carrying essential supplies and scientific experiments. It’s instrumental for advancing space research, testing new technologies for future lunar and deep space missions, and enhancing Earth observations for climate and environmental studies. This mission underscores the ongoing collaboration between NASA and SpaceX in bolstering space exploration and scientific discovery.

Cargo Dragon CRS-30 mission: image credit SpaceX


Additionally, Starship, the company's next-generation spacecraft returned to integrated flight testing with its third launch from Starbase in Texas. This was the biggest and probably the most important launch of March for SpaceX. On March 14, 2024, Starship successfully lifted off at 8:25 a.m. CT from Starbase in Texas and went on to accomplish several major milestones and firsts. It achieved a full-duration second stage burn, reaching intended orbital velocities for the first time, and executed critical milestones like satisfactory hot-staging and boost-back burns. Although it broke up during re-entry, the mission demonstrated in-space propellant transfer and successful operation of the payload bay door, paving the way for future lunar and Mars missions. While it didn’t happen in a lab or on a test stand, it was absolutely a test. What they achieved on this flight will provide invaluable data to continue rapidly developing Starship.

Starship Flight 3


The month saw multiple Starlink missions, with  notable launches on March 4, Double launch on March 11, then on March 16 and 19. Followed by back to back launches on 24 and 25 from east and West coast. SpaceX ended the month with a double launch in a span of 4 hrs and deployed not only starlink but Airbus satellites as well. This back-to-back launch event was not only a display of SpaceX's operational efficiency but also a showcase of the Falcon 9 rocket's rapid turnaround capabilities. So far, SpaceX have launched 6100 starlink satellites out of which, 5162 satellites are operational. These launches are part of SpaceX's ambitious plan to create a megaconstellation of satellites to provide global internet coverage, especially in areas where traditional ground-based internet is unreliable or non-existent.

SpaceX's activities in March 2024 exemplify the company's relentless pursuit of innovation and its pivotal role in shaping the future of space travel and satellite communication. With each launch, SpaceX not only delivered payloads to orbit but also brings humanity one step closer to a more connected and explored universe.. In March 2024, SpaceX continued to push the boundaries of space exploration and satellite deployment, marking a series of successful launches that underscored the company's dominance in the private spaceflight industry. In conclusion, SpaceX continues to showcase their versatility and success in advancing space exploration.

Photos credit SpaceX



By Azhar

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